Hello! It’s Aymeric.
Welcome to my online gallery! My name is Aymeric Galan and I am self-taught landscape and fine-art photographer, currently living in the beautiful city of Munich, in Germany. Professionally I am a postdoctoral researcher in Astrophysics.
Since my childhood I am captivated by our Universe, from those impressive planets in our “neighbourhood” to the colourful nebulae and immense galaxies, millions of light-years away. Aside my work as a young researcher, I lately developed a passion for astrophotography, that quickly expanded to landscape and fine art photography.
Thanks to my love Sévane for the photo :)
Awards, exhibitions & publications
• 2024, July: Swiss Photo Club Awards — Top 100, exhibited — Images « Candy Blossoms » and « Ice Age » — Munich, Germany
• 2024, June: Publication in Fotopuls Magazin (Ausgage 2/2024) for a photograph of the Auroras over Munich — Munich, Germany.
• 2024, May: Swiss Photo Club Awards — Top 50, exhibited — Image « Cold Walk » — Zürich, Switzerland.
• 2024, April: Photo Club Gland competition — Top 10, exhibited — Image « Olympic Morning » — Gland, Switzerland.
• 2024, March: Publication in Fotopuls Magazin (Ausgage 1/2024) as a winner of the Bavaria Unseen competition — Munich, Germany.
• 2024, January: Bavaria Unseen Sades of Blue and White competition — Overall winner and Top 20, exhibited — Image « Alone » — Munich, Germany.
• 2022, February: Swiss Photo Club Awards — Top 50, exhibited — Image « Back from the Bishorn » — Geneva, Switzerland.
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